"It seems strange to say, but what can help modern man find the answers to his own mystery and the mystery of him in whose image he is created, is silence, solitude -- in a word, the desert. Modern man needs these things more than the hermits of old." Catherine Doherty

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat, an October trick in the weather at MTSRC!

October started with lovely fall colors all around
The Mary Theotokos Spiritual Retreat Center. 

As the preparations for winter begin, (barn stalls made warmer, garden closed down, roof and heating repairs) the goats do their part cleaning up what's left of the garden. However getting them
to the garden can prove challenging!

How do they get up there? Do they think they are in the Alps?

The Turkeys are more cooperative in their cleaning the garden responsibilities. 
Their job after all is to fatten up for food shelves!
These two "Toms" like to lead the way.

Aside from the outdoor work, the situation on the large porch off the back of the church is in need of immediate attention.

One of the main support beams has shifted and this will require that we use house jacks to lift the whole porch off it's support posts, replace that main beam and then lower the porch back in position. 
(Without sending the porch down the hillside.)
Let the porch raising begin, cutting the old supports, then the lifting and lowering.

The definition of precarious!

When the new beam is in place it's time to lower the porch back to it's original 
and much more sturdy position!
All fingers and toes intact!

And just in time for a little Trick, with the treats for Halloween! 

A sudden weather change to wake up to!

An omen of weather to come!

Part Jack-O-Lantern part Snowman!

The weather of the Northeast Kingdom, always keeps you on your toes!

So we say farewell for now, and wish you a happy All Souls Day,
from The Mary Theotokos Spiritual Retreat Center.

With visitors on the way I will say,

Pax et Bonum

from Vermont.