"It seems strange to say, but what can help modern man find the answers to his own mystery and the mystery of him in whose image he is created, is silence, solitude -- in a word, the desert. Modern man needs these things more than the hermits of old." Catherine Doherty

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Plumbing 101

This week at The Mary Theotokos Center, John learns a valuable lesson; 
ALWAYS make sure the fitting has dried BEFORE you run the water through the system.

Stay tuned for more educational imformation from the Mary Theotokos Center.

The Mary Theotokos WISH LIST

As summer approaches several outdoor jobs continue with energy and many hands.
In order to complete these jobs, and move closer to holding more Christian Fellowship events, we have recently been able to beg, borrow and barter much equipment and services.
However we are now posting,
and will continue to post at various times,
 The Mary Theotokos 
If any of our loyal followers would like to donate to the cause here is the list of items we are in sore need of:

1) A working ride around lawn tractor or two
2) Garden equipment; hoes, shovels, garden rakes, etc.
3) Gas powered chain saw or two.
4) Gas powered Weed Wackers or two.

That's it for this time, but as more needs arise we will post these needs again.

 The latest member of our fellowship group, a permanent retreater, our scarecrow; 
Pot Belly Pete thanks you in advance for your charitable assistance.

Pax et Bonum
The Mary Theotokos Monastic Center

You can reach us at jwalker7616@gmail.com